With ItaliaRail Get up to 30% on your Italian train tickets

Italiarail is the expert in seamless train travel within Italy Booking opens 180 days ahead for most long-distance trains in Italy, except when the mid-June & mid-December timetable changes intervene.  All international credit cards accepted, and customer just quote their booking reference on board the train.www.italiarail.com is easier to use, all in plain English with English-language place names - and it can be cheaper than Trenitalia if there are 2 or more of you. also, after recent improvements it's a better system It shows a whole day's trains in the search results not just an hour or two, it can book up to 20 people at a time, Trenitalia only books up to 5 people, it highlights the cheapest trains and trains where 1st class is cheaper than 2nd as a free upgrade.

Advantages of booking on ItaliaRail:

- Italiarail is the expert in seamless train travel within Italy
- Guaranteed lowest prices
- 24-hour customer support
- ItaliaRail.com offers an exclusive luggage service as well as discounted sightseeing and hotels
- Multi-currency payment options
- Instant electronic tickets
- Special group rates for students and educators that are up to 80% off the regular price
- It's possible to buy tickets around Italy from €9.90/€19.90/€29.90 from www.italiarail.com who connect directly to the Trenitalia ticketing system. Customers can also buy in €, £ or $. 

ItaliaRail Discounts and Offers:

1- Join ItaliaPass membership and get $50 off your train tickets plus FREE RailAid and save hundreds on tours, car rentals, hotels, Italy Magazine & more
2- Get up to 30% on your Italian train tickets for new customers

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